From 2003 to 2010, wrote regularly for the monthly political, economic, and social magazine Anlayış, on Turkish foreign policy, the Middle East, the EU, and Cyprus

In December 2015, wrote an article for Yeni Şafak titled “The Claim of Russia being a Great Power Has Collapsed”

In May 2010, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Cyprus Among Solutions”

In July 2009, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Identity Means Border in Europe”

In May 2009, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Could the Elections in TRNC Survive Asiye?”

In January 2009, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Could Obama Change US-European Relations?”

In September 2008, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “EU’s Policy towards Georgia Indexed to Winter”

In August 2008, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Exporting ‘Union’ from Europe to Mediterranean”

In May 2008, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Russian-NATO Relations Discussed in St. Petersburg”

In December 2007, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Turkey in the Line of Washington and Brussels”

In January 2007, wrote an article for Mostar Dergisi titled “New Foreign Policy of Ankara and Cyprus Question on the Road of the EU”

In April 2005, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Europe Under Pressure of Nationalism and Racism”

In March 2005, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Opposition Among the Greek Cypriots”

In February 2005, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Election Session in TRNC”

In January 2005, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Turkey’s Position in the EU: Could Center of Gravity Change?”

In September 2004, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Could EU Overcome Its Exclusionary Tradition?”

In August 2004, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Regional Powers in Global World”

In July 2004, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “The US-EU Quarrel in NATO”

In May 2004, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “Globalization and Civil Society”

In April 2004, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “The Copenhagen Criteria: An Obstacle for Turkey’s EU Membership?”

In March 2004, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “The Future of the EU: An Enlargement Perspective”

In February 2004, wrote an article for Anlayış titled “The Cyprus Issue: A Settlement Possibility?”

“The Future of the Turkish-American Relations: Challenges and Opportunities”, Anlayış, Haziran 2003

“ABD-Türkiye İlişkilerinde Geleceğin Senaryoları”, (Scenarios for the Future of US-Turkey Relations), Anlayış, Mayıs 2003

“ABD’nin Irak Politikası: Alternatifler Arasında”, (US Policy towards Iraq: Among the Alternatives), Anlayış, Nisan 2003

“Türkiye’nin İran Politikası: İki Yüzli Dünya”, (Turkey’s Policy towards Iran: Janus-faced World), Anlayış, Mart 2003

“Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Yeniden Yapılanma”, (Restructuring of Turkey-EU Relations), Anlayış, Şubat 2003

“ABD’nin Ortadoğu Politikasında Değişen Dinamikler”, (Changing Dynamics in US Policy towards the Middle East), Anlayış, Ocak 2003